
Journal of orofacial pain

NLM 缩写: J Orofac Pain

NLM ID9418507 

出版国家: United States

出版地: Carol Stream, Ill.

出版商: Quintessence Pub. Co.

出版周期: 季刊

创刊年份: 1993

语言: 英语 


ISSN1064-6655 (印刷版)
1064-6655 (ISSNLinking) 

目前收录于: Dental

PubMed收录: NO 

研究领域: 颅颌紊乱症、面部疼痛、头痛、疼痛、口颌系统


      Official Journal of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, and the European, Australian, Asian, and Ibero-Latin Academies of Craniomandibular Disorders. Formerly known as the Journal of Craniomandibular Disorders:Facial & Oral Pain, this journal continues to combine the work of dental and medical professionals involved in treating temporomandibular disorders. It discusses prevailing research, diagnostic techniques, and treatment therapies for orofacial pain, headache, mandibular dysfunction, and occlusion. Pharmacology, physical therapy, surgery, and other pain management methods are covered.


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